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Dulce Pinzón

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Artist / Maker / Culture
Artist Info
Dulce Pinzónactive in Mexico and U.S.; b. Mexico 1974-

Dulce Pinzón was born in Mexico City in 1974. She studied Mass Media Communications at the Universidad de Las Americas in Puebla Mexico and Photography at Indiana University in Pennsylvania. In 1995 she moved to New York where she studied at The International Center of Photography.

Her work has been published and collected internationally. In 2001 her photos were used for the cover of a publication of Howard Zinn’s book “A People’s History of the United States”. In 2002 Dulce won the prestigious Jovenes Creadores/FONCA grant in Mexico for her work. In 2006 she won an Honorific Mention in the Santa Fe project competition and she won the 12th edition of the Mexican Biennial of El Centro de La Imagen. Dulce was a 2006 fellow in Photography from the New York Foundation for the Arts and a 2007 for the Bronx Museum program Artist in the Market Place and a Ford Foundation grantee in 2008.

Dulce won The Gaea Foundation/Sea Change Residencies Award in 2010 and in 2011 the PERRIER acquisition price in Zona Maco Mexico. In 2012 she was invited to take part at the renowned photography festival 'Les Rencontres D’Arles Photographie' in France, this participation gave her a nomination for the prestigious Prix Pictet; the same year she got a honorific mention at the 10th edition of the FEMSA biennial. Her book “The real story of The Superheroes ” was published in 2012 in 3 languages: English, Spanish and French by Editorial RM with the support of the Cultural Co-inversion program of FONCA. Dulce is currently a recipient of Mexico’s prestigious Endowment Of the Arts SNCA/FONCA fellowship (2014-2017)

Dulce lives and works between Mexico and New York.

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