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Hashimoto Tomonari

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Artist Info
Hashimoto TomonariJapanese, 1990

Hashimoto Tomonari was born in Wakayama Pref. in 1990, son of a sculptor. In 2008, he entered the Kyoto University of Educaon Fine Art

Department, and began studying ceramics in his junior year. With a desire for further studies, aer receiving his Bachelor’s degree, he

enrolled in the Master’s degree program at the Kanazawa University of Art. He connued on to the doctoral program and received his PhD

in Fine Art in 2017. During his last year in university, he was seeking a place to make large scale works, which he had always desired but

was not possible with the University facilies, and decided to stay at the ‘Shigaraki Ceramic Cultural Park’ as an arst in resident. Aer

compleng the doctoral course, he moved to Shigaraki to pursue his creave pracce. He has parcipated in and has been selected to be a

part of numerous group exhibions and compeons, and he has also held several solo exhibions all over Japan.

In 2019, Tomonari Hashimoto held his first overseas solo exhibion in Hong Kong. And he was selected as the on-site exhibitor at the

‘Korean Internaonal Ceramic Biennale 2019’ in Icheon World Ceramic Center. In addion he was selected as one of the youngest finalists

at the ‘LOEWE Cra Prize 2019’ exhibited at the Sogetsu Kaikan in Tokyo. In 2020 his sculpture was collected by the Victoria and Albert

Museum in London and he is held in the collecon of the Los Angele County Museum of Art. In 2020 he created a large public sculpture

on request of his home prefecture of Wakayama, installed in September.

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